So I've made a start on Fading Memories 3, I'm on a kinda double project at the moment though, got this and The Tale of Tiralise which is something new, and epic, too epic to explain... I better add something to that, The Tale of TiraliseTM.(C). yeeaahh lol anyway, I'm aiming for something a little different this time, as in the first and second episode/episodes it was lacking in suspense and such, was rushed, and the overall quality was quite poor, also I liked the narration in the first I think I'm gonna be keeping that this time around.
The only thing is that I've lost my nack for drawing, its just gone, soooooo.... hopefully it will come back after a little while, though I think I will start the animation with a lot of anger because I cant do it, but I'm going to start anyways
Peace Out!!