View Profile Dead2Animations
... you fig...

James Brown @Dead2Animations

Age 31, Male

Unemployed Loner

London, England

Joined on 6/3/06

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852 / 900
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Projects projects projects...

Posted by Dead2Animations - January 7th, 2010

I say I say I have too many things I am working on, or not working on I should say, this is rediculous(I know I cant spell) so I though I should just get them down so I can see with my own eyes how much I shouldnt be doing!

40% complete

I have half of the script down and most of whats happening in my head, in fact, its all in my head which is probably why I keep getting stuck on it and not knowing what to do, I have no storyboards or anything to help me out :( however this is my main project

CHAOS SOULS (complete remake)
15% complete
Got about 90% of the storyboards down on paper which shouldnt leave me with anything to stop me from animating, that is also along with script, sad there is lack of animation in it so far, I have a menu that took me ages to make and character details that are going to help me out, pretty much everything for the first episode is ready to rock and roll!

TRIAL OF RETRIBUTION (name may change)
5% complete
Now this animation will prove to be very difficult, it will be the first animation that has a story from start to finish, so not in episodes, I thinkit will be brought into newgrounds with welcoming arms, I have an in depth script describing very minor details and diolouge(cant spell lol) that I dont think is cheesy, itis a pretty awesome story that hasnt got any manga or mythical aspects which would be my first!

2% complete

I never bother doing any script or storyboards for this because I just let it flow through my mind and get it down on flash, I havnt actually started anythng on this yet, but I am orgonizing(cant SPELL >:O) events in my head along with their order, and I will put more effort into this one ;)

SPECIAL LINK (name due to change)
2% complete
This is a project I have started with jamiedude, we know each other in realy life and have been wanting to colaborate(spelling...) for a while now, this animation is about Zelda Ocorina of Time(not suprising) and of course, Link is pretty retarded, the story is in development(!) and we have started on the animation but we have much to acomplish!

35% complete

An off project really, I submitted and animation to newgrounds in 2006 called Fighting For Victory, it got blammed, it was 10minutes long and took me a long time, this is a remake of that animation that I started in 2008 but havnt really spent much time on it, at the moment its just an animation to left off a bit of steam as I can just frame by frame it as I go along, unlike my main projects where I have to worry about camera angles tweens tints gradients voice syncs preportions and all that jazz, I would hope to finish it eventually!

25% complete

Tis a simple animation with two characters fighting with swords, pretty much a copy and paste motion tweening thing, similar to madness but not as good, started in 2007 and dont have much care for it, was just a way of testing some different animation styles

No name, so for now we will just call it DREAM :)
5% complete
I dont remember when I started this animation but it was based on a dream I had, it was almost like a normal cheesy anime story, it was good and I thought it through realising it would ACUTALLY work! but anyhow I decided to have a crack at it, in my dream all these characters were furrys, so I tried giving it a go, shortly after realising I cant draw furrys for shit, so I tried to do it i normal anime characters and it kinda failed, if I was to keep going at this I would start from scratch

So there we have it, I have 8 working projects, I guess I could say at least I could say I wont be stuck with nothing to do but I find this more irritating then that with that said I also have like 3 other ideas that I havnt started on, but hopefully as the new year is at hand I can get my head down and get these done! so please bare with my, I may have to give me a deadline for the ones I'm working on because I do like a few days of solid animating then I just stop...... I try to get started again but I just cant, so if I set deadlines maybe I will get scared of what will happen if I dont meet them (High School flashbacks) so maybe that would be a suggestion! PEACEOUT PEPS!



Holy Crap enough animations to work on? lol

Lol, I'm never satisfied with what I'm working on so I end up starting something new :(

holy shiz~

Lawl, too many ideas